I was lying on the bed watching a fly bouncing off the walls. Outside it was sunny and blue skies and green leaves. Inside it was just the right temperature for sleeping.
I am a pretty lucky doglet, I thought. Really, I have it pretty good.
I haven't been captured and killed for meat for humans to eat. In some countries pet dogs and cats are stolen from families and then taken to a slaughterhouse or market and killed. Then eaten for dinner by humans.
Can you imagine? Lochy chateaubriand or stir fried with oyster sauce.
Thinking more about being lucky, thank heavens that I wasn't born in a puppy farm where people don't care if the puppies are comfortable and happy and can snuggle up to their doggie mums. They only want to make money from selling puppies.
Puppies from puppy farms don't even know who their doggie mother and father are. I do. And I have a pedigree paper to prove it. My mum is Boadicea and my dad is Andy Murray.
I was born in the countryside on the east coast of Australia with lots of space to run around with my brothers and sisters and explore this place called Earth. At night, we cuddled up together. I felt very safe.
The lady who looked after us was a vet and she took very good care of us. I heard her on the phone talking to my human mum to be. She asked a lot of questions to make sure I would be living in a very happy home and gave my human mum to be very strict instructions on what I had to eat and when I should have my vaccinations.
And I am so lucky because I can still see my half-brothers, Bertie and Angus, and my full sister, Mindy, but I don't see her so much anymore because she moved to the other side of Australia. Mindy and I have a special bond because we flew across Australia together in a crate. Now she has flown back and I am still here.
More thank my lucky stars that I am not flea or tick infested. Some humans have a dog and then ignore them or, worse, abandon them. Moi standing on a street corner with no home to go. I would be very sad to think that no one wanted me and wondering where my next meal was coming from.
I have my water bowls filled every day and my food served when expected.
I never have to spend the night outside in the dark and cold and rain.
I can wander in and out of the house as I please.
Even though my human mum is a nut case, she is good to me.
She never ties me up or leaves me in a cage.
She never hits me or shouts at me. Sometimes I can tell that she is annoyed with me, like when she gives me a Greenie and I don't eat it. I bury it in the garden for later. But then she laughs because I have dirt and leaves around my mouth and she knows what I've done. "You can't fool me," she says. "I am not buying Greenies so you can bury them." But she still buys them for me.
She is lucky to have me. Lochy when I am good. Lochinvar when I am naughty.
